Color Total #8,1 Rubio Claro Ceniza
To use Color Total #8,1 Rubio Claro Ceniza in HTML, first select the hexadecimal colour code #A7BCC4. Then, add this code to your HTML code, making sure to include the pound sign (#):
<div style="background-color:#A7BCC4;"></div>
Finish off your look with Color Total #8,1 Rubio Claro Ceniza – a warm, light grey hair colour perfect for both formal and informal events. With a subtle hint of plum, this shade is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any outfit.
Brand name: Azalea
Category: Hair, Colouring and Bleaching
Gender: Woman
Country: ES
Kgs: 0.226
Width: 58
Height: 107
Category: Hair, Colouring and Bleaching
Gender: Woman
Country: ES
Kgs: 0.226
Width: 58
Height: 107
Content Updated At | 2023-06-26 14:54:44 |
Manufacturer | Azalea |
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